Google Search V4.1 Has New Features!: Hands-Free, Spoken Notifications, Power Toggles, Easy Search Tools & More

Hints have been found for new features that Google has planned for its upcoming update to Google Search 4.1 for Android.

Among these new changes are hands-free, spoken notifications that will be read aloud when they pop up, Android Police reported. This feature will give people the chance to use the service while driving, so they won't have to keep looking at their phones while behind the wheel.

Power toggles were also found in the hidden code with the ability to let you switch Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and your flashlight on and off. Whether this feature will be in Google Search 4.1 has yet to be official.

The code also revealed other features, such as the ability to search directly from the lock screen in different ways like typing on the screen or with your voice, BGR reported.

A new "3rd Party Welcome" section was found to come with icons covering topics like health, eating and music, which hints at Google Now eventually featuring select partners alongside the search giant's official apps, Digital Trends reported. Other possible new editions include a collection of icons that will bring voice-activated sharing to social networks and desktop-to-phone sharing. Updates expected for the future include integrations with Chrome and Android.

Google Search users will have to wait until this year's Google I/O conference, which will take place a few months from now, to hear official details about the changes for the app.

Google now, Android