Charlie Hebdo Edition Featuring Prophet Muhammad Selling For Thousands On eBay

A bidding war is brewing on eBay for satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo's 2011 edition featuring the Prophet Muhammad, according to The Guardian.

Wednesday auctions for the 2011 cover with an image of the Muslim prophet were going up to $11,789 on eBay a week after a deadly terrorist attack at the newspaper's Paris office left 12 people dead.

Also on Wednesday, Charlie Hebdo's first edition since the massacre sold out within a matter of minutes. The cover also featured a cartoon Muhammad, a depiction which Muslims consider against their religion. The prophet is holding a sign reading "Je Suis Charlie" - I Am Charlie - with the words "All Is Forgiven" above.

The new sold-out paper also made its way to eBay, with sellers all over the world asking for $60,000, $100,000 and up, according to CNBC. One U.S. seller offered the edition for $14,600.

Another French seller, identified as Thomas, told The Guardian he was offering three copies he bought from a newsstand Wednesday morning.

"I didn't hesitate to put the Charlies up for sale, given that I don't profiteer off the tragedy of others, at least from my point of view," Thomas said. "On the other hand, the best profiteers of our age are the politicians who win votes and have a good time about it."

Charlie Hebdo, known for poking fun at various religions, said it would print out 2 million more copies in addition to the 3 million already printed. That's a four percent increase to the amount usually printed, according to The Guardian.

A few hundred copies of the latest Charlie Hebdo edition are reportedly going on sale in the U.S. on Friday.

Charlie Hebdo, Ebay, Prophet Muhammad, Islam, Auction