Jane Wicker, Air Daredevil, Dies in Ohio Plane Show Craft Crash (VIDEO)

Two people died after a plane crashed and burst into flames during an Ohio air show on Saturday, according to CNN affiliate WHIO.

A wing walker plane was in the midst of a performance on Stearman biplane with it suddenly fell to the ground, according to Federal Aviation Administration spokesperson Lynn Lunsford, who spoke with WHIO.

It spiraled down into a firey crash, bursting into flames in a patch of grass sandwiched between two runways at the Vectren Dayton Air Show in Ohio.

A video shot at the site of the explosion depicts the plane enveloped in a burning mass after it struck the ground.

Air show officials posted a statement on its website, informing the public that the two performers on board did not live through the crash.

The wing walker Jane Wicker balanced on the plane as it shot forward at 110 miles per hour, according to CNN.

"You're facing that wind and then you have to fight the wind, and then you have to get yourself back upright...Watch this, Jane Wicker sitting on top of the world," the announcer said.

Mere seconds later, the crowd witnessed the crash-and cheers suddenly became screams of horror.

A Facebook page dedicated to the stunt performer announced that Jane Wicker had died.

"It is with sad hearts that we announce that Jane Wicker was killed while performing at the Vectren Dayton Airshow," the Jane Wicker Airshows Facebook page read. "We ask for your prayers for the families and privacy of all involved and allow them to grieve and work through these events."

Wicker was famous for her daring air shows, in which she mounted the tops of propeller planes, and surfed through the air.