
Youtube to Host Post-State of the Union Address 'Interview With the President'

The State of the Union is one of the key events in the political year. It's that time where Americans and journalists can get a better sense of the president's general goals for the year, as well as how Congress feels about the action. A recently developed aspect of the event is the after-event. Youtube started working with President Obama in 2010 after the speech to try to answer questions people wish to ask him about the State of the Union. This year, Youtube is taking it to the next level.

Google announced on its official blog that Youtube creators Hank Green, Bethany Mota and Glozell Green would interview Obama a few days after the Jan. 20 State of the Union. As soon as the president has finished the State of the Union, these three creators will reach out to their audience and gather questions. Then, on Jan. 22, the three will sit down with Obama and ask him to comment on their concerns, as well as those of their audience.

Youtube's choice of interviewers is certainly intriguing. Green is one-half of the popular Vlogbrothers Youtube channel, host on multiple Youtube education shows, geeky musician and the founder of VidCon. Bethany Mota is a popular fashion vlogger and a past "Dancing with the Stars" contestant. Glozell Green is a popular comedian, vlogger and song parody writer.

At a first glance, it seems odd that Youtube chose these three particular hosts to interview the president. Green makes some sense, considering he has voiced his opinion on science education issues in the past, among his many politically oriented videos. Glozell has also made multiple vlogs on political issues such as Obama's election, Israel and racial issues. However, Mota doesn't have any history talking about political issues, which makes her presence feel a bit peculiar.

However, there's one thing that all three hosts have in common; a large young audience. Green, Mota and Green all have a lot of teenage and 20-something fans. Their presence at the event is likely a play at getting a younger audience interested in the State of the Union.

Obama will deliver The State of the Union on Jan. 20 at 9 p.m. EST, and the Youtube Interview will occur on Jan. 22. You can submit questions for the interview using the hashtag #youtubeasksObama.

Obama, State of the Union, Youtube, Hosts, Speech
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