'Star Wars: The Force Awakens': Mark Hamill Shares a Few Tidbits on the Millennium Falcon, Lucas and More (WATCH IT)

It would seem that Luke Skywalker will be flying shotgun on the Millennium Falcon once again in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." And that's a damn good thing.

During an interview with Extra, Mark Hamill discussed what it was like to be back on the iconic ship. He also considers George Lucas' state of mind and this "new" generation that will be bringing future "Star Wars" films to the big screen.

"Yeah, the déjà vu of walking onto the Millennium Falcon again and remembering all these details that they've got exactly right from old photographs and old blueprints...I can't describe the feeling," Hamill gushed. "Even now it seems surreal to me. It seems hard to believe that it's actually happening."

In regard to Lucas' involvement (or lack thereof) and overall feelings, Hamill said, "Seeing [George Lucas] this happy, he's almost unrecognizable. Because when I was with him [on the original trilogy], he was fretting over all the details, so he didn't have time to enjoy himself. To seem him in such a good place, it's thrilling."

On the new generation of filmmakers: "[Star Wars] is now in the hands of the generation who were fans."

The next trailer for the film is reported to be coming with "Avengers: Age of Ultron" on May 1, and it is expected that we will get our first glimpse of "old" Luke, Han, and Leia in the next episode of the Star Wars saga.

Check out the Extra interview with Hamill below:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Millennium Falcon, Mark hamill, George lucas
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