China: Pregnant Nurse Suffers Miscarriage after Being Attacked by 'Drunks' in ER

A pregnant nurse reportedly lost her baby after being attacked by a group of "drunks" in the emergency room at a Chinese hospital, according to the Daily Mirror.

Wang Tin, a nurse at Guilin People's Hospital, said her three attackers came into the Accident and Emergency department "reeking of alcohol" and demanded to see a doctor.

"One was in his 50s and covered in blood," said Tin, who was two month's pregnant. "They were yelling for a doctor but refused to listen when I told them they had to wait."

The 26-year-old tried calming the group down but they became rowdy and shoved Tin to the ground before hospital staff could stop them.

"I told them she was pregnant and it wasn't her fault the doctors were busy but they were too drunk to listen or care," Yuan Pai, the nurse's colleague, said according to the Daily Mirror.

Tin woke up the following morning with pain in her abdomen. Doctors told the expectant mother she lost her baby.

As for the alleged assailants, they were arrested. Tin said she hopes they "rot in hell," the newspaper reported.

"These men have killed my baby and destroyed my life all because they were drunk."

Miscarriage, China, Drunk, Hospital
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