Witches In Kenya: School Driver Dead After Being Forced To Drink Witchdoctor's 'Truth Potion'

A school driver has died after being dared to drink a "truth potion" to prove his innocence regarding stolen school books in Kenya.

The unidentified Kenyan's death was confirmed on Tuesday after he ingested the potion reportedly brewed by a "witch doctor," Agence France-Presse reported. The incident has sparked outrage and angry protests from villagers in Kenya's southwestern Kisii district.

After books got stolen in a village in Kisii County, school directors hired Samuel Kanundu to seek out the school book thief. Upon being accused of the crime, the driver allegedly volunteered to drink the potion to prove his innocence.

"The driver was dared... to prove his innocence by drinking the mixture," local police chief Simon Kiragu told Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper. "The 33-year old collapsed and died immediately after the drink."

Shortly after, the school bus and the deputy director's house were burned down as an act of revenge by the villagers, UK MailOnline reported.

The tragic incident comes 10 days after scores of villagers flocked to Kenya's southeastern Kwale district to witness Kanundu bring a corpse back to life, Kenya's The Star newspaper reported.

After boasting that he had already brought five people back to life, Kanundu had told villagers on Thursday that he would resurrect a man who had died in October 2013 "by sunset."

"We have never experienced this and want to see it first hand," village elder Ndaro Kokota said before the witchdoctor began his work.

However after spending hours singing and dancing while waiting for the "miracle" to take place, frustrated villages expressed anger after Kanundu claimed to have failed because he was too "tired."

The dead man's family claimed to support the witchdoctor, stating that they believed the resurrection had been complicated by the fact that the man had been "killed by a witch who hid his body" beneath a banana tree.

Kenya, Death, Witchcraft, Witch, Outrage