Worst Password of 2014 was '123456'

Passwords are often the first and last defense against a hacker. However, Internet users have a tendency towards laziness. Most users usually choose the simplest passwords and the easiest combinations to remember. That can lead to some interesting (and easily hackable) password choices.

SplashData is a security program company that's always trying to protect the user's identity. In order to do that, the company tries to collect as much stolen data from hackers as possible. This data includes the most common passwords 2014:

1. 23456 (Unchanged)

2. password (Unchanged)

3. 12345 (Up 17)

4. 12345678 (Down 1)

5. qwerty (Down 1)

6. 123456789 (Unchanged)

7. 1234 (Up 9)

8. baseball (New)

9. dragon (New)

10. football (New)

11. 1234567 (Down 4)

12. monkey (Up 5)

13. letmein (Up 1)

14. abc123 (Down 9)

15. 111111 (Down 8)

16.mustang (New)

17. access (New)

18. shadow (Unchanged)

19. master (New)

20. michael (New)

21. superman (New)

22. 696969 (New)

23. 123123 (Down 12)

24. batman (New)

25. trustno1 (Down 1)

If users want to protect their account, experts recommend creating a password with eight or more characters that also uses a mixture of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation (if possible).

Passwords, Security, Cybersecurity, Protection