'Ready Player One': Author Ernest Cline Already Working on a Follow-Up?

Ernest Cline's 2011 novel "Ready Player One" is one of my favorite books of the last decade or so. For those who know nothing of the book it is set in a sci-fi dystopia that expertly mixes a convincingly bleak future world with plethora of geeky references to 80s music, videogames, TV and movies.

The allure of its premise was such that the rights to a movie adaptation were snapped up almost as soon as the novel was purchased by its publisher. Warner's currently working on brining the book (a chore unto itself due to all the IP licensing issues) to the silver screen, with Zak Penn recently turning in his completed screenplay.

During that interview in regard to his documentary "Atari: Game Over" with IGN (via Den of Geek), Penn offhandedly mentioned something rather exciting: Ernest Cline is currently "working on a sequel" to his 2011 novel.

"Ernie's working on a sequel to it ["Ready Player One"], and it is one of those great ideas that has endless possibilities," Penn said. "And to a certain extent, the longer it exists and the more Ernie thinks about it, the more he comes up with."

It's only a little snippet of news, sure, but the just thought of a new "Ready Player One" novel sends happy shivers down to my nerdy core. Please let this be true...

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