Teen Fatally Impaled On Texas Tech Bull Statue Horn During Game of Hide-and-Seek (VIDEO)

Fourteen-year old Miguel Martinez was killed over the weekend after he tripped, fell and was impaled on the horn of a bull statue at Texas Tech University during a game of hide-and-seek, NBCDFW reports. His mother, Judith Leseburg, was out of town when she received the tragic call early Saturday morning.

"No mother expects this to happen to their child," Leseburg told KBCD-TV in Lubbock. Martinez had been spending the night with his friend Jeremy and their family, and at around 3 a.m. they went for a walk on the Texas Tech University campus. During a game of hide-and-seek in the dark, Martinez lost his footing and tripped over a light, according to University spokesperson Chris Cook.

"He just happened to trip over one of the lights. I guess he lost his balance and he went straight down on one of the horns," Leseburg said. "It's hard for all of us. Every day I'm hoping for him to come around the corner and say, 'Mom, why are you crying?'"

"I just laid there beside him," his friend Jeremy said. "I put my jacket over him and just held him tight and told him I loved him. He was like a big brother to me."

One of the only things bringing Leseburg comfort amid the tragedy is seeing all of the people who have come out to support her son and help raise money to raise him to rest. "It's a blessing especially to me because I know Miguel had a lot of friends that looked up to him," she said.

According to local police, Martinez was running on the National Ranching Heritage Museum on the Texas Tech campus when he tripped over a light and the horn pierced his chest.