
Kim Dotcom Launches Encrypted Video/Audio Chat Service

Kim Dotcom is a fascinating entity in the world of internet entrepreneurism. The notable hacker, who created the now defunct file-sharing site MegaUpload, has been convicted of computer fraud, data espionage and copyright infringement. His work is often thought to be controversial, but now Dotcom is pursuing a new business venture.

DotCom announced today that he has created Megachat, a new video/audio chat service for those who like their lives to be a little more secure. The service is built into Mega's original site and is currently in beta development.

For now, the app is strictly for video chat, but Dotcom Tweeted that "we are releasing #Megachat beta step by step. Starting with video calling today. Text chat and video conferencing will follow soon." Within 12 hours, DotCom tweeted out that "Already over 500,000 calls within just a few hours. Thank you for using #MegaChat."

Users can access the service by visiting the Mega.nz website and logging into it if you have an account. The "chat" button is located on the left toolbar.

Three years ago, Dotcom's home was raided by New Zealand police, and his site MegaUpload was taken from him. These events led DotCom to create his new company, Mega, as well as start a political party in New Zealand. However, DotCom could still be extradited from New Zealand to the United States over issues of copyright infringement.

Security, Data, Internet
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