Twin 9-year-old boys spent the better part of four months alone in their New Hampshire apartment while their parents traveled to Africa, the Associated Press reported.

The state Division of Children, Youth and Families removed the unnamed siblings from their Manchester home in November upon learning from the boys' school they were living alone in the apartment and taking themselves to school, authorities revealed Thursday.

Meanwhile, the boys' parents were in Nigeria with three of their five children. It was not immediately clear why the twins were left behind.

Police have arrested their uncle, Giobari Atura, who told them he stopped by the apartment three days a week and dropped off food, the AP reported. However, when police searched the home in November, the only edible food found was ramen noodles in the cabinet.

Atura said he told the boys to call him if they needed something, according to a police affidavit obtained by the AP.

"It should be noted that no operable phone was located within the apartment," police said.                      

The twins were placed in foster care. When one of the boys was interviewed, he told police "he felt lonely while staying at their own house because his mom and dad were not there and nobody was with them."  

When the parents were contacted, they told police they left for Nigeria in July and planned on returning in August. They told Atura to stay with the twins at the apartment or to contact a family friend if he couldn't.

Atura stayed in touch with the parents, telling them the boys were fine, the family said.  

The parents said their return to the U.S. was delayed by sickness and passport issues, police said.

Attempts to reach Atura were unsuccessful. He was charged with endangering the welfare of a child in December and was freed on $500 bail, the AP reported. 

As for the parents, they returned once they learned about the situation and have custody of the twins again, Hillsborough County Assistant Attorney Michael Valentine told CNN. They are not expected to be charged.