Worldwide Enterprise IT Spending To Reach $2.6 Trillion In 2013

Worldwide enterprise IT spending is predicted to grow 2.5 percent to reach $2.679 trillion in 2013, from a projected 2012 spending of $2.603 trillion. Banking, communications, media and services (CMS) and manufacturing are expected to offer the largest volume of growth opportunities through 2016, reveals a Gartner analysis.

The manufacturing and natural resources sector will lead the vertical markets with total spending expected to reach $478 billion in 2013, up 2.3 percent from $467 billion in 2012. The banking and securities sector will have strong growth in 2013 and is expected to reach $460 billion in 2013, up 3.5 percent from $445 billion in 2012. The CMS sector is forecast to grow 3 percent in 2013 to $426 billion, up from $414 billion in 2012.

"Our third-quarter outlook points to more substantial growth in 2013, if significant fiscal crises are avoided in the U.S. and Europe, and in subsequent years. Most enterprises have already significantly cut discretionary IT spending growth over the past several years and, barring a global economic catastrophe and significant contraction of operations, they have little room to reduce IT spending further over the long run," Kenneth Brant, research director at Gartner said.

In the short term, transportation and insurance will also be high-growth sectors with both reaching more than 4 percent growth in 2013. IT spending in the transportation sector is expected to total $126 billion in 2013, up from $121 billion in 2012. IT spending in insurance will reach $187 billion in 2013, up from $179 billion in 2012.

Large industry market operating under fiscal pressure, such as government, can also provide market opportunities as IT departments must strive to modernize and increase service levels without increasing resources. The need for greater efficiency and productivity gains in industries operating under severe fiscal constraints can also create opportunities for disruptive IT innovation and for the displacement of incumbent IT market leaders, the analysis said.

Manufacturers typically plan and manage a significant portion of their IT costs in expectation of changes in their sales. IT spending rates are expected to bottom out in 2013 and will be resilient over the long run, as business confidence is restored and the value proposition of a nexus of new technology forces - social, mobile, big data and cloud - is increasingly championed by senior leaders. Firms in the CMS sectors will typically spend approximately 5 percent of their revenue on IT on average over a five-year period, well above the median for all industries.

In 2012, government IT spending is forecast to decline 2 percent and the decline is expected to continue through 2013. In 2013, government IT spending is forecast to total $445 billion, down from $447 billion in 2012.