Jay-Z Album 2013 News: 'Magna Carta Holy Grail' to Feature Frank Ocean, New Lyrics Released (SEE IT)

Jay-Z's highly anticipated twelfth studio album "Magna Carta Holy Grail" is set for official release on July 7, and this morning the superstar released a new batch of lyrics for his new song "Oceans," featuring none other than Frank Ocean, according to FrankOcean.net.

Ocean previously worked with Jay-Z and Kanye West for their collaborative studio album "Watch the Throne," and was recently featured on West's new album "Yeezus."

The new Jay-Z album will feature '90s alternative rock and indie samples, including REM's hit song "Losing My Religion." Jay-Z revealed the sampled lyrics as part of his new song "Heaven" last night, which repeatedly uses the chorus, "That's me in the corner/That’s me in the spotlight/Losing my religion" alongside the rapper's own lyrics, "Conspiracy theorist screaming/lluminati/They can't believe this much skill is in the human body."

According to NME, Courtney Love gave the rapper permission to use Nirvana lyrics on his new album. "I'm letting Jay-Z use lyrics; Frances [Bean Cobain] would freak [if she knew about it]. Jay-Z's huge and we're friends. I mean we're not besties or anything," she said at the time.

Jay-Z has been revealing lyrics to fans through his Samsung Galaxy app, which will allow fans to listen to the full album for free days before its official release in addition to exploring bits and pieces of the new album, including new lyrics. Samsung Galaxy users will be able to hear the full album on July 4, while "Magna Carta Holy Grail" will be available in stores July 7.

Jay-z, Frank Ocean