New Laser Technology Helps Military Aircrafts Seen Hidden Objects

New laser technology from the University of Michigan is able to show what objects are made of may help military aircrafts identify hidden dangers, according to a press statement.

"The system, which is made of off-the-shelf telecommunications technology, emits a broadband beam of infrared light," the University explained in a press release. "While most lasers emit light of one wavelength, or color, super-continuum lasers like this one give off a tight beam packed with columns of light covering a range of wavelengths - a blend of colors. Because this beam is in the infrared region, it's invisible to human eyes. But it can illuminate deep information."

The infrared contains spectral fingerprinting range, and according to the press release refers to "frequencies at which they can detect echoes of the vibrations of the molecules that make up a solid substance."

The "fingerprint" technology reveals what wavelengths of light it absorbed and reflected.

"Different substances absorb and reflect different wavelengths. So by shining the new laser on a target and analyzing the reflected light," the release stated. "The researchers can tell the chemical composition of the target."

Researchers gave an example that a structure may look grey in visible light, but the infrared technology used will allow the viewer to see what's inside.

"The military uses spectral fingerprinting to identify targets today to a certain extent," Mohammed Islam, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science and biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan, said in the press release.

However, the laser technology relies on the sun for the light, which creates a problem for the user on a cloudy day or at night. The highest most powerful laser Islam's team has tested so far is 25.7 watts. The research team is currently working on a stronger 50-watt laser prototype, and is reportedly due for field testing later this year. Islam explained that the imaging devices available now does not compare to the lasers they're created.

"Those are imaging devices looking for bumps where there shouldn't be bumps," Islam said. "They're looking for shapes that are odd or different. But they can't see the chemicals in the shapes. That's why you have to take your shoes off. But our laser can detect the chemical composition."

You can read more about the laser technology in the press release here.

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