
Apocalypse Fearing Utah Parents Benjamin and Kristi Strack Fatally Drugged Children, Themselves

Utah parents, who were immensely afraid of the apocalypse, fatally drugged themselves and their three children in September.

Springville police came to their final conclusion about the mysterious tragedy on Tuesday: The parents, Benjamin and Kristi Strack, had committed suicide by taking toxic levels of drugs. They apparently also gave fatal levels of drugs to their younger two children, Emery, 11, and Zion, 12, Strack. It remains unclear if the oldest child, Benson Strack, 14, followed his parents suicidal footsteps or if they forcibly gave him the drugs, reported CNN.

There were no suicide notes left, but the parents had bought into "a concern about a pending apocalypse," according to a statement released by J. Scott Finlayson, chief of police for Springville.

The statement also said that the parents often spoke of "leaving this world" to friends. Some friends told police they thought suicide could have been in their plans, while others thought their intentions were to leave town and live off the grid.

The closest thing to a suicide note found was a note from Brenson "which indicated that Benson was aware that he may die, and was bequeathing his personal possessions to his friend," the police statement said.

After police found this note Benson's manner of death was ruled "could not be determined." Since he apparently had a feeling his death was coming police speculate that it's possible that he committed suicide like his parents, reported CNN.

The family of five were found dead on Sept. 27 in the master bedroom of the family's house.

"His [Benjamin] arm and leg were draped over Kristi. He was on top of the bed covers; while the other family members were under bed covers. This would indicate that he was likely the last in the family to succumb to the toxic levels of drugs in his system," the statement said.

Apocalypse, Family, Suicide, Death, Drugs, Utah
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