Tim Cook Says Shipping for Apple Watch Will Begin in April

Apple fans wondering when tech giant will release its new smartwatch received their answer on Tuesday, when CEO Tim Cook announced that he plans for shipping to begin in April.

Cook revealed the shipping date during a conference call just after Apple reported a record profit of $18 billion, according to Fox News. Additional information, such as the watch's price, have yet to be revealed.

"Developers are hard at work on apps, notifications and information summaries that we call Glances, all designed specifically for the Watch's user interface," Cook said.

The announcement follows four months after Cupertino-based company debuted the Apple Watch, describing it as "the most personal device ever," The Verge reported. The only other information about the watch revealed at the time was that it would be released sometime in "early 2015" and that it will have a starting price of $349.

Cook said Apple sets launch dates by separating the year into three, four-month windows for early, middle, and late, which puts April in the "early" time slot.

"To us, it's sort of within the range. It's basically when we thought," he added.

Apple will make the watch available in three models- Watch, Watch Sport, and Watch Edition- and has made tracking health and fitness a major priority for the device, Fox News reported. Features will include a sensor for measuring heart rates, an Activity app for monitoring factors like calories burned, and a Workout app for running and cycling. Owners will also be able to pay for items with the watch thanks to the addition of the Apple Pay digital payment system.

Cook added during the call that he is already using the Apple Watch, saying he uses it "every day ... and I can't live without it."

Apple Watch, Apple Inc, Tim cook