Amazon Announces Workmail, an Outlook-like Secure Email Server for Businesses

With Amazon's endeavors into web hosting, video streaming and phone development, it seems that the online company is trying to expand its interests to include many parts of the internet. Its latest endeavor is the creation of its own email service.

Amazon announced on Wednesday that they were going to release Amazon Work email, a secure business email/calendar system that would store all users' data in the Amazon cloud. The service would provide the same functions as most email and organization apps, such as Outlook, but wouldn't require users to pay for the high-cost software.

The service would be highly secure, and provide the functionality businesses need to make sure that their data is safe.The service relies on Amazon's Key Management Service, which allows users to encrypt account information with digital keys that either Amazon or the user supplies.

The service is fully compatible with Windows Outlook, as well as accessible via a web client. It will also be able to sync up with an iOS or Android Email system. The service will also integrate with Amazon WorkDocs (previously known as Amazon Zocalo).

It's unclear how Amazon's service will compare to Microsoft's business email, or what the costs will be. It's also unclear if Amazon will sell the email service alongside a purchase of Amazon Web Hosting. But if this goes well, Amazon may have a chance of making an impact in the business utility market.

Amazon, Email, Business, Outlook, Secure