745 Million People Use Mobile Phones to Go on Facebook Each Day

Mobile phones appear to have become more popular as a tool for going on Facebook, with the social networking giant announcing Thursday that about 745 million users from around the world log on with these devices.

The company added that it currently has a userbase of 1.39 billion global users, and that 890 of them go on its website on a daily basis, classifying them as daily active users (DAUs), according to The Financial Express. These DAUs include 157 million in the U.S. and Canada, 217 million in Europe, 253 million in the Asia Pacific region and 263 million in the rest of the world.

Those who go on Facebook with mobile devices at least once a month are classified as monthly active users (MAUs) and make up 1.18 billion of the site's users. Most MAUs were found in Asia Pacific, while others included 436 million in the rest of the world, 301 million in Europe and 208 million in the U.S. and Canada.

Facebook said the 890 million average DAUs it had as of December 2014 was an 18-percent increase from the year before, and that mobile DAUs increased by 34 percent, The Financial Express reported. The company added that the amount of MAUs it had as of the same date was a 13-percent increase from the year before, and that mobile MAUs increased by 26 percent.

Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company is also seeing an increase in the amount of time each person spends on different services per day, which grew this quarter by over 10 percent compared to last year.

Mobile ads have played a large role in Facebook's success with revenue, allowing the company to surpass analyst expectations of $3.7 billion in revenue and increase sales by about 60 percent in each of the previous two quarters, TIME reported.

2014 proved to be a good year for Facebook, which experienced a 58-percent increase in annual revenue to $2.5 billion and a profit growth to $2.9 billion, which was almost double the company's profits in 2013.

"We got a lot done in 2014," Zuckerberg said. "Our community continues to grow and we're making progress towards connecting the world."

Facebook CFO Dave Wehner said the company plans on growing current services and ensuring its Internet.org initiative moves forward by investing in data centers and servers, The Financial Express reported. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of the social network, said the company will spend 2015 improving its ad products, as well as ad tech, video, Instagram and other more recent initiatives.

"Our ultimate goal is to be a critical business partner to our clients providing people-based marketing at scale to build their brands and move their products off shelves," Sandburg added.

Facebook, Mobile phones