Brutus the Rottweiler Cries Over His Twin Brother's Body, Grieving for the Loss of Hank (SEE THE HEARTBREAKING VIDEO)

A Rottweiler, Brutus, woke up to find his twin brother, Hank, had died in his sleep. The message under the YouTube video asserts that this show of grief adds proof to the argument that animals feel real emotions.

"Brutus does not want to leave him and will not budge, laying on top of his head," Brett Bennett (brettvett1) wrote. "Brutus has never whined or cried out in pain the two years I have had him...But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbled. We both grieve and cry for our brother..."

Grab your tissues ahead of time, because your tears will come without warning.

Twins, Rottweiler, Animal behavior, Cute animals, Grief, Crying, Animal, Animals, Emotions, Died, Death, Dog, Dogs, Dog rescue