Beardless 'Duck Dynasty' Brother Alan Robertson to Join the Cast for Season 4 of the Hit Reality Show (PHOTO)

Although it may seem blasphemous for a beardless brother to join the cast, that's exactly what's happening, as The Hollywood Gossip reports that Alan Robertson, the eldest son of Phil and Kay, is set to join the hit reality show in August for its fourth season.

"Their beards are so iconic," he told the New York Post. "All this time I've been flying under the radar; I can go to Starbucks and get Mama coffee."

Clean-shaven Robertson is a 47-year old minister who preaches full-time at his Louisiana church, but now he sees a chance to reach out to the popular A&E show's 9.6 million viewers who tuned in for the season 3 finale.

"What I do for our church - it's a pretty good-sized church - impacts a lot of people, but because of my association with the show, I'll get to minister to a lot more people," Robertson said. It's fitting, as the show focuses on family, faith, loyalty and dedication in many of its episodes.

Robertson has long been torn on whether or not to join the cast, but ultimately made his decision as his children are grown-up and thus their privacy will not be invaded during filming.

"Duck Dynasty" follows a family of backwoods millionaires in Louisiana that found their fortune in Duck Commander, a company that makes various products for duck hunters, including the popular Duck Commander caller.

The show is helping A&E move to the front of the pack of networks along with the History channel's "Vikings" and "Pawn Stars."

Click here to see a photo of clean-shaven Robertson standing among his bearded brothers.

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