'Game of Thrones': Season 5 Trailer Leaks Online (WATCH IT)

There was an IMAX event last night for "Game of Thrones" across the country and, of course, a couple of industrious individuals took it upon themselves to record the trailer for season 5 that preceded the screening proper.

The quality isn't fantastic, and it could be taken down at any point (unless HBO decides to be cool and just post a HD version now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag), but it still gives us a nice glimpse of what is in store for us in Westeros this coming April.

Here are a few of the more intriguing plot points revealed in the trailer:

Varys advising Tyrion to seek out and help, it seems, Danyerys: "I believe men of talent have a part to play in the war to come." Tyrion: "I will never sit on the Iron Throne." Varys: "You could help another climb those steps and take that seat ... The Seven Kingdoms needs a ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name." Tyrion: "Good luck finding him." Varys: "Who said anything about him?"

Littlefinger stating to Sansa: "There's no justice in this world. Not unless we make it. Avenge them." One would assume that he is referring to all of the cruelly slain Starks.

Tommen and Margaery together in what appears to be another wedding scene. We all know how well those go in Westeros...

Arya in Braavos, in her new outfit, recovering Needle and knocking on a significant door.

Danyerys swearing, "I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel!" Followed by some quick intercutting of Ser Jorah in the gladiator's ring and the bronze harpy statue atop Danyery's pyramid being brought asunder.

All of the above is set to the tune of a rather atmospheric cover version of Bowie's "Heroes."

Very cool stuff that's leading us up to April 12 when the first episode premieres. Thanks to io9 for the tip.

Check out the trailer below:

Game of Thrones, IMAX, Season 5, Hbo
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