Hubble Space Telescope Catches Two Galaxies Merging in a Beautifully Violent Image (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The NASA Hubble Space Telescope has taken an impressive photo of the loopy galaxy NGC 7714. The smoky appearance of the ring-like structure is made of Sun-stars that have been pulled into space, away from the galaxy's center, according to press releases by the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. and Hubble European Space Agency Information Center in Garching, Germany.

Galaxy NGC 7714 is located 100 million light-years away from Earth toward the constellation Pisces. The galaxy playing tug-of-war, NCG 7715, is not visible in the image taken by Hubble, but the game - or at least the "gravitational disruption" - has been going on since dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

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Hubble, Hubble space telescope, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, Sun, Galaxies, Galaxy, Photo, Video, Space