Horse-shaped UFO Spotted Hovering Over an Erupting Volcano in Mexico (SEE THE VIDEO HERE)

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... horse?

A horse-shaped unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted next to an erupting volcano in Mexico. Mexican authorities are investigating the object seen hovering over Volcano Colima, according to U.K.'s Mirror.

You can watch the video (complete with dramatic music) here:

Loyola Quintanilla Rosas was filming the erupting volcano when the UFO appeared out of nowhere. "When I first saw it I thought it looked like a horse," she told the Mirror. "It had a very large body and seemed to be an animal. It had a thin top, a bulging middle and two extremities at the bottom, but the legs weren't moving so it clearly wasn't a modern-day Pegasus."

"And it sure as hell wasn't a bird," Quintanilla added.

Maybe it's not a bird, but could it be an alien vessel? UFO hunters call attention to other strange objects flying around erupting volcanoes in Mexico, like Popocatepetl volcano in central Mexico. A "cigar-shaped" object was filmed flying by the mouth of Popocatepetl in 2012 and "a blurry, white object" was seen by the same volcano in 2014.

"There has been a fair bit of activity around these volcanoes and this latest sighting just adds to the mystery," 35-year-old alien aficionado Eufrasio Gonzales Carrasco told the Mirror. "There must be something about volcanoes that draws extra-terrestrials to them. Perhaps they are collecting samples from our planet to take back home."

Mexico's Civil Protection of the Ministry of Interior said it is most likely a drone and they are "looking into it."

UFO, Unidentified flying object, UFO sighting, UFOs, Horse, Mexico, Alien, Aliens, Alien life, Alien-life detector, Erupting volcano, 2014, Alien spacecraft, Volcano, Volcanoes, Drone, Video, UFO sightings