
Beau The Dog Not Getting Euthanized After All And Reunited With Owner Danny Higgins

Beau the dog, who was recently on death row, was reunited with his owner, Danny Higgins, on Friday.

Beau, who is a German Shepard and lab mix, was in jeopardy of being euthanized after being accused of killing a duck and biting an 8-year-old boy back in September.

Higgins hired an attorney, Sam Muldavin, to help save his pup's life.

Friday night, both parties came to an agreement that Beau and Higgins could be reunited on the condition that Beau never returns to his hometown of Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Just like a fairytale, after the settlement, Beau ran to his missed owner, hopped in his car, and the pair were on their way to leave the town of Dyersburg forever.

Muldavin told Jackson Sun that he didn't know where his client was headed next, "but the critical part of the settlement very simply is that he (Beau) is forever banned in Dyersburg."

As for now, Muldavin, an avid dog lover himself, is just happy to see Beau and Higgens reunited and enjoying each other's company.

"I'm thrilled and Beau is thrilled, but nobody is happier than Danny Higgins. He has suffered terribly for probably the last 6 or 7 months as Beau has, living in the shelter for all this time," Muldavin told ABC 7.

Lab, Dog, Euthanize
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