Minnesota Iceman: The Mysterious 6-Foot Frozen Creature From the ‘60s Found, Put On Display At Texas Museum (PHOTOS)

The Minnesota Iceman, the mysterious six-foot, hairy frozen creature from the 1960s, has resurfaced and will be on display at a Texas Museum. The creature was bought by Steve Busti earlier this year, the Huffington Post reports and will be on display for the entire world to see at The Museum of Weird in Austin beginning July 3.

The ape-like creature, who many people believe resembles Bigfoot, made its first appearance in the 1960s when it was showcased from mall to fairground. The strange exhibition, that left many people curious and confused, was owned by Frank Hansen, from Minnesota. According to reports Hansen shot and killed the giant beast in the Minnesota woods.

Sanderson was so convinced that it was "real" that the Smithsonian Institute launched an investigation but Hansen did not want the Iceman poked and prodded and reportedly switched the "real" Iceman with a dummy version. At one point the FBI, even got involved believing that Hansen could have been displaying a murder victim.

During Smithsonian's investigation it was discovered that Hansen had used a West Coast company to make an Iceman in 1967. Whether it was a replica or the "real" Iceman remains a mystery.

Busti does admit that there are definitely chances he might not even have the "real" Iceman. Since it first surfaced there have been countless rumors surrounding it.

"It could be a fake. And if Hansen did get Howard Ball to make a rubber dummy of the original body that he did supposedly have, it could be this," he told the news station. "So... there's several theories as to what I have! I want people to come in, take a look at it and kind of get their own judgment from it."

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