
Golden Retrievers Save Owner Judy Muhe After Near-Fatal Fall

Two golden retrievers, Higgins and Dodger, helped save the life of their 76-year-old owner who suffered a near-fatal fall.

Judy Muhe, of Florida, who has Parkinson's disease, fell in her kitchen and bruised her shoulder and head. She couldn't get up on her own, so she ended up lying there for two days drifting in-and-out of consciousness for two days, reported ABC News.

Although she was unable to feed her dogs, they stayed by her side until a friend, Kathy Jacobs, came to check up on Muhe since she hadn't heard from her in days.

"When I came in we found her right away on the floor. The dogs were right here with her," Jacobs told ABC News. "They actually ran to the door and then they ran back to where she was, like showing us she was there."

After Muhe was saved, all she could do was thank her dogs (who she referred to as "angels on four legs").

"They went for days without food and water. They stayed with me," Muhe told ABC News. "By keeping me warm, and keeping me comfortable, as they could, the main thing was they let me know that I was not alone."

As many dog owners know, canines have an especially keen sense of smell. When dogs are sniffing around they are picking up on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air, reported Animal Planet. VOCs can be smelt on humans and in man-made substances. Humans can smell them too, but dogs can pick up on them in extremely tiny amounts.

Golden retriever, Parkinsons, Parkinson's disease
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