Google Makes Earth Pro Mapping Tool Available for Free

Google Earth Pro users will be happy to hear that they can now get a "bird's-eye" view of Earth for free.

The educational tool, which previously cost $399 per year, no longer requires users to sign up when using it. To enojy the free service, users need to download the installer, run it and then enter their e-mail address and the license code GEPFREE, according to CNET.

Google created Earth Pro as an app for businessmen and companies to use for different purposes, such as creating spreadsheets that could feature up to 2,500 addresses and printing high-resolution images (up to 4,800 x 3,200 pixels).

The mapping tool can also be used to measure 3D buildings and record HD Movies of virtual trips around the world, ComputerWorld reported.

Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with Technology Business Research, pointed out how geo data and images from Google Earth Pro can come in handy when an enterprise needs to plan a trip or construct a new office building. He added that Earth Pro was most likely made free because of the lack of revenue obtained from the service and the possibility of monetizing it in the future if usage grows.

"Using this information could jazz up presentations," Gottheil said. "It could help companies find prospects through measurement and plan deployment of infrastructure, like networking. It also could help sell tourism."

If being able to capture photos and video of your neighborhood didn't catch your interest before, doing it for free just might.

Mapping, Earth, Businesses, Enterprise