Confide's New App Makes Sure Sensitive Documents You Share Will Disappear

A small startup called Confide updated its app Wednesday to let businessmen and businesswomen share sensitive information that never gets discovered again.

The new version, available to both iOS and Android users, lets you share sensitive documents and photos and uses end-to-end encryption to keep them secret, according to PCWorld. Messages disappear right after the recipient reads them.

Recipients need a unique key, which they can get by downloading Confide, to view messages, and the message will be decrypted once the key is present. Jon Brod, co-founder and president of Confide, said messages will also be covered or blurred until the user waves their finger down the screen in a "wand" motion. The app will then reveal the document or photo one sliver at a time.

Taking a screenshot of messages isn't recommended, as the messages will disintegrate and the app will notify the sender to tell them a screenshot was attempted, Business Insider reported.

Confide is letting users attach content from a variety of services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box and One Drive. You will also be able to attach Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PDFs and Power Points.

Brod said Confide's current version is used in over 130 countries and is available in 17 languages, PCWorld reported.

"This is truly a need, not just with respect to countries and territories but industries," he added. "The effects of the Sony hacks are such that there are executives in boardrooms around the world rethinking their digital communication strategies."

Brod added that the company is also working on a premium version with additional business-centered features, as well as a desktop version to be released later this year.

Enterprise, App, Documents, Photos