'True Blood' Recap - 'You're No Good' Bill Flaunts His Expanded Powers and an Old Friend Returns

*******SPOILER ALERT*******

Normally we would never consider asking you to click away from HNGN to go elsewhere but we really must insist, if you haven't watched this past Sunday's episode of "True Blood" you're not going to want to keep reading. Not only are there scary stories about Vampires and Werewolves but there are even more frightening spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

Sunday night's episode of "True Blood" saw the return of one of the show's greatest characters, a lot of bad decision making by a couple of the men of Bon Temps and Bill showing off his significantly enhanced powers.

After kidnapping the Governor's daughter Willa, more on this later, Eric learns about a camp/research facility that was built illegally with government money. It was at that camp where Sarah Newlin, of Fellowship of the Sun fame from season 2, made her triumphant return.

Steve Newlin, her former husband and current vampire, is being questioned at the research facility when his ex-wife shows up. It turns out that she is a politician and writer now and is very involved in whatever it is that is happening at the camp. As Sarah explains to her now vampire ex-husband that she is working toward the eradication of vampires from Earth it is readily clear that she will relish his personal eradication.

Sarah, played by Anna Camp, is one of the most intriguing villains that this show has produced. On the outside she looks to be as sweet and harmless as possible. Yet she is whip smart and devious on the inside. It'll be interesting to see where her character goes as this storyline progresses. In the past Sarah has been reluctant to use violence but it seems like she has gotten over that. Her return wasn't necessarily the main focus of the episode but it was an unexpected bombshell that hopefully signals some excitement to come.

The focus of the episode seemed to be a couple of poor decisions made by various men on the show; Eric's decision to kidnap the Governor's daughter and Sam's decision to attempt to save the girl from L.A. after rescuing Emma during the werewolf attack.

We'll deal with Eric first. It appeared he was completely ready to kill Willa which would have been a terrible idea, albeit a far better idea than kidnapping her. By kidnapping her Eric can assure that the Governor and all of his resources will be going after him at all times. It's also a selfish choice, although that's not all that surprising given who we're talking about, as everyone who knows Eric or helps him hide will get wrapped up in the trouble, including Pam and Tara. There is no way that this is going to end without a lot of collateral damage being inflicted. Once all of the vampires leave from Ginger's, with Tara taking Willa and Pam and Eric most likely struggling to find them, it is clear that things are going to be very bad for Ginger when the Governor's soldiers arrive. If you're the type of person who likes to make a wager or two I'd suggest putting a large amount of money on the idea that over the course of the season a trail of blood spilled by the Governor will follow Eric wherever he may go.

Sam also appears to be on the verge of gaining a burdensome companion. After the werewolves go nuts after catching the L.A. crew trying to film them Sam shifts from the shape of an owl and is able to rescue Emma. As the two are running away into the woods Sam hears Nicole screaming as she is attacked by the wolves and decides to help. Sam is already targeted by the wolves because of Emma, why should he invite more trouble by rescuing Nicole? It also seems to be putting Emma in needless amounts of harm. Sam is one of the more reliably good characters in the show but sometimes he just needs to look the other way. This decision will probably come back to bite him, literally.

Bill's attempts at being a god went very poorly at the beginning of the episode when he burst in to flames after watching the sun rise, yet he looked all powerful when he visited Sookie later in the episode. Bill showed that he does not need to be invited to enter a house after he stormed in despite Sookie's flat refusal of entry. When Jason tried to attack him Bill was able to slam him against the wall and keep him levitating for the duration of his visit somehow, Bill is also able to control a plate when it is thrown at him by Sookie. The only thing Bill seemed to be incapable of was convincing Sookie to give him some of her blood. Any attempts at a reconciliation of their relationship seemed to be thrown out the window as well when Bill told Sookie that he was dead to her. As Bill left poor Jason got dropped on his head again, if there is a world record for concussions Jason is coming dangerously close to it.

As a whole the episode seemed to be used primarily as foreshadowing. The return of Sarah Newlin should bring a lot of excitement down the road, as should Sam's ongoing war with the wolves and Eric's tiff with the Governor. So much was crammed into this episode that it was easy to forget about Niall finding out that the faery hideout was massacred by Warlow and that Ben is lurking around once again. Sookie makes a comment about how Ben is the only faery who she can feel trying to read her thoughts, maybe he isn't a faery at all? Hopefully we'll find out some answers about that and all of the other storylines in the weeks to come.

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