Venezuelan Man Transforms Himself Into 'Captain America' Villain The Red Skull...For Real (SEE IT)

There are some things you look at and immediately understand. Then, there are other things that take a little bit of time to comprehend. And, unfortunately, there are some things that you will just never understand no matter how long you stare at it or puzzle over it. The story that follows is something that falls into the latter category... for me at least.

According to an article at The Daily Mail, 37-year-old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela, is the ultimate Captain America fanboy, as he has enlisted the help of former medical-student-turned-body-modification-artist Emilio Gonzalez to turn him into Cap's diabolical nemesis, the Red Skull.

Damon had implants put into his forehead to give it a ridged look before committing to the most drastic change in his appearance... lopping off a large portion of his nose. Gonzalez made sure that Damon was completely healthy before consenting to the procedure.

"I asked for a tomography of the nose and sinuses to assure me that it was OK for surgery. Henry a.k.a. Red Skull is a physically and intellectually healthy person," Gonzalez said. "He's an excellent son, husband and father, who has an extreme taste for body modification."

Damon now only goes by the moniker "Red Skull" and has begun tattooing his face red and black (of course!) to complete his transformation.

Check out a few other pictures of Hen...I mean, Red Skull, below:

Captain America, Venezuela
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