
ISIS: Iraqi Father Carries Out Revenge Assassination On Seven Islamic State Militants, Fatally Shoots Them For Killing Teen Son

In an unusual sort of events, seven Islamic State militants were killed by an Iraqi man in retaliation for having executed his son, UK MailOnline reported.

Basil Ramadan, believed to be in his 60s, used an AK-47 to fatally shoot down a group of militants at a checkpoint in Tikrit, a city northwest of Baghdad, which is currently under ISIS control, local media reported. However after carrying out the revenge assassination, Ramadan was shot and killed.

In January, 18-year-old Ahmed Basil was accused by ISIS of having infiltrated the terrorist organization and spying for the Iraqi government. Shortly after, he was one of eight men, all of them reported to be police officers, to have been killed.

In the execution video, titled "the Day of Judgment," all eight Iraqi men can be seen dressed in orange Guantanamo Bay-style jumpsuits while ISIS's notorious security forces, known for carrying out mass public executions in broad daylight, stand behind them.

Before being killed, Basil and the other victims are identified by name, with Captain Hossam Salah Bnosh being described as the group's leader.

According to ISIS, the group of police officers joined the terrorist organization after having converted to Sunni Islam. But once they managed to infiltrate ISIS's security forces, they began to secretly spy for the Iraqi government.

However the group was exposed after Marwan Habib Said was caught providing target information to the Iraqi government while working for ISIS' security forces.

At one point during the video, all the captives are accused of spying, identifying targets for coalition airstrikes and providing intelligence information on Islamic State to the Iraqi government, with the 18-year-old specifically being accused of giving information on the location of ISIS soldier houses.

In the end, all eight captives are shown to be executed with a single bullet to the head, with their assassins pointing their pistols at the video camera.

Islamic State, ISIS, Iraq, Executed, AK-47, Baghdad, Spying, Assassination, Guantanamo Bay, Police Officers
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