Japanese Hotel to be First Entirely Staffed by Robots, First Phase Opens in July

Japanese theme park Huis Ten Bosch has announced that it will open a hotel that will be the first to be entirely staffed by robots.

Three of the bots will come in the form of "actroids," or robots that look just like humans, and are designed to act as receptionists and have engaging conversations with human guests, according to CNN.

The two-story hotel will be named "Henn-na," which means Strange Hotel in English, and will operate under the motto "A commitment for evolution."

The robots, which their creators say are aimed at reducing cost and making sure guests are comfortable, will have other tasks such as providing porter service and cleaning rooms, the New York Daily News reported.

The park will charge 7,000 yen (around $59) a night for single rooms and 9,000 yen ($96) a night for twin rooms.

"We will make the most efficient hotel in the world," Hideo Sawada, president of Huis Ten Bosch, said during a press conference. "In the future, we'd like to have more than 90 percent of hotel services operated by robots."

Features the company has planned for Henn-na to make it the most futuristic low-cost hotel include facial-recognition technology for accessing guestroom doors and radiation panels that will detect body heat and change the room's temperature, CNN reported. Guests will be able to request items with tablets, and the hotel will also include solar power and other energy-saving features to reduce costs.

The park plans on opening the first phase of Henna-na on July 17 with 72 rooms and adding another 72 rooms in the second phase, which will be finished in 2016.

Robots, Japan, Theme park