Google Reportedly Giving Glass a New Design, Won't Launch New Headset Until 'It's Perfect'

Only one month after putting the Glass headset to sleep, Google has reportedly announced plans to bring the gadget back to life.

Sources with knowledge of the situation say Tony Fadell, the current head of Glass and Nest CEO, said he is looking to redesign the eyewear from "scratch" and doesn't plan on making the device available to the public until it is complete, according to The New York Times.

"There will be no public experimentation," one of Fadell's advisers said. "Tony is a product guy and he's not going to release something until it's perfect."

The Glass project, which Google launched in 2013, was previously run by Ivy Ross, who still works on the device and runs "day-to-day" operations, the Daily Mail reported. Fadell said in a statement in January that the project has allowed the company to learn what consumers and businesses alike are interested in.

"I'm excited to be working with Ivy to provide direction and support as she leads the team and we work together to integrate those learnings into future products," he added.

The search giant announced last month that it would no longer experiment with Glass as a Google X project, and that it will instead have its own division.

While Google has expressed interest in improving Glass, it has yet to provide a specific date for when it will launch a new version, the Daily Mail reported.

The Glass team wrote in a Google+ post in January that they have more work to do before releasing an improved headset, "but now we're ready to put on our big kid shoes and learn how to run."

Google glass, Google