
Comcast Renames Customer 'Super B***h' On Cable Bill

It looks like cable provider Comcast is up to its alleged name-calling ways again.

A Comcast customer in Addison, Illinois, was floored when she opened her bill last Wednesday and saw it addressed her as "Super Bitch," WGN-TV reported.

Mary Bauer, 63, said she never received good cable from Comcast, with her service often disconnecting and dozens of repairmen shuffling in and out of her home.

"I had 39 technicians here from November to April," Bauer told the station.

She's even had to call the company on several occasions when her bill didn't come in the mail for four months straight.

"I was nice enough to call them to ask how much I owe," Bauer said. "I was a little hot and a little angry because I never got good service."

But Bauer says she never once cursed at company employees or did anything to deserve the insult she received on her latest bill.

"It says Super Bitch Bauer," she told WGN. "This is a disgrace to me. Why are they doing this to me? I pay my bills.

"I do not deserve this," she added.

Comcast told the station, "We are investigating this thoroughly and will reach out to our customer."

Embarrassing flops like this are not uncommon for Comcast, which reportedly has one of the lowest customer service ratings in the nation. Another customer named Julie Sabano also allegedly had the word "bitch" next to her name on her bill last December.

In January, a Washington state couple was allegedly referred to as "assholes" on their bill.

Comcast, Cable, Illinois
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