'The Lost Vikings' Are Found in Blizzard's 'Heroes of the Storm' (WATCH IT)

Three characters from Blizzard's retro co-op/puzzle game "The Lost Vikings" are now playable in the company's multiplayer online battle arena title "Heroes of the Storm," according to PC Gamer (via the Blizzard Blog).

The three Lost Vikings, Olaf, Baelog and Erik, work as a cohesive unit and are categorized as being very hard to play as. Each of the characters can move, attack and be killed separately, and also feature an individual re-spawn timer when they are vanquished. They can also be controlled together and have special abilities that can only be triggered when working as a unit.

"Erik, Baleog, and Olaf are three heroes in one! They're specialists who represent our first 'Insane' difficulty heroes in the game and as such, they can be controlled individually or in groups, allowing players to do truly insane things like maintain presence across up to three lanes at once, and even have the potential to complete battleground objectives like capturing the Dragon Knight all by themselves," Lead Game Producer Kaeo Milker explained. "Players' success with the Vikings will be dictated by their ability to effectively manage the positioning, attacks, and abilities of all three characters simultaneously, and we can't wait to see what players do with them now that they're live in the game."

Blizzard president and co-founder Mike Morhaime first publicized plans to bring these characters to the game last year. "The Lost Vikings" was originally released in 1992 for SNES when Blizzard was still known as Silicon & Synapse, and the game was later released on PC-DOS, Amiga, Sega Genesis and the Game Boy Advance.

Check out the Vikings in action below:

Blizzard, Blizzard Entertainment, Olaf, Activision