Galactic Storm Discovered by National Science Foundation's VLA Telescope (PHOTO)

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory described the image of J1430+1339 thusly: "In this composite image of the Teacup Galaxy, the green colors show the starlight, the blue colors show the gas and the red/yellow colors show the radio emission. The bright yellow blobs in the center of the image show where the radio 'jets,' launched by the black hole, are driving into the gas and accelerating it to 1,000 km/s (200,000 miles per hour). The giant bubbles also are being inflated by the central black hole. This demonstrates that the central black hole is having a catastrophic effect on its home galaxy."

Aas, American Astronomical Society, NRAO, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Nasa, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, NSF, National Science Foundation, VLA, NSF's Very Large Array, Very Large Array, Astrophysical Journal, The Astrophysical Journal, Radio, Gas, Galaxy, Galaxies, Storm, Durham University, Chris Harrison, Light years, Stars, Elliptical galaxy, Jets, Investigation, Research, Inc, Chile, Us, Uk, U.S., U.K., United States, United kingdom