Following reports that Megyn Kelly was slated to move to Fox News primetime came news that Greta Van Susteren met up with executives at CNN, looking to go back to the cable television network where she first started her career in live news casting.
According to a New York Times article a handful of web sites reported that Van Susteren spoke with CNN, looking for a job at that network, which an executive of the television company confirmed on Tuesday.
But Van Susteren insisted that she did not, in fact, speak with high-ups at the news service, writing on her blog that she had no intentions of up and leaving.
"I am not going anywhere," she wrote on her site. "I have a long term contract with Fox and it is for a show in 'prime time.' Done, ok? And by the way, don't you love the courage of the anonymous sources? And those who then speculate from there?"
She later altered her blog post to read, "...Fox News Channel and it is for a daily cable news show in 'prime time.'"
According to Mediaite, Van Susteren has been in a position to lose her 10 p.m. spot for a while. The news anchor's husband once said to the New York Times that his wife would be open to moving up to an earlier time slot-subsequently, some say she'll be shifting around to a 7 p.m. show, but that isn't actually "prime time."
Others think she might team up with another television personality on a new show.
Van Susteren recently made headlines for her comments on a panel featuring fellow Foxers Lou Dobbs, Juan Williams, Erick Erickson and Doug Schoen, where they expressed confusion at a study claiming more women are becoming the main breadwinners at home.
"When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and a female in society...the male typically is the dominant role," Erickson said.
"Have these men lost their minds?" she wrote on her blog the next day. "(and these are my colleagues??!! oh brother...maybe I need to have a little chat with them..."