
Brazil Hospital Bends Rules To Let Dying Women Say Goodbye To Her Dog (WATCH)

The University Hospital of Santa Maria in Brazil bent their rules for the first time to allow a dying 80-year-old women to say goodbye to her dog one last time.

Teresinha Prieto Flores was only semi-lucid in her final weeks but she managed to still make daily requests to see her dog, Pink, who was her companion for the last eight years, which was reported by Brazil newspaper Dario de Santa Maria reported in Portuguese and translated by The Dodo.

The woman's desire to see her dog one last time was so inspiring to hospital workers that they appealed the hospital's law that forbids animals on the premises.

The workers were successful and Flores was permitted to finally see Pink again just days before she passed.

"It was a farewell and the realization of her final dream, to give that kiss to Pink," family friend Jéssica Stello told Diaro de Santa Maria.

Flores' bond with Pink may permanently change the workings of the hospital. After witnessing the strong link between the dog and patient the head of the medical division told the newspaper that with the appropriate precautions in place the hospital would encourage canine visits in the future.

Hospital, Dog, Death, Relationships, Love, Brazil
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