Sex Makes You Look Up To 7 Years Younger, So Drop The Wrinkle Cream And Jump Into Bed

There could be an alternative to Botox, researchers believe having regular sex can make people look up to seven years younger.

Research suggested older individuals who enjoyed and active sex life looked much younger than their age, according the Daily Mail. Other research has even prescribed sex as a way to prevent early death.

Dr. David Weeks, former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital,
spent 10 years interviewing both men and women about their sex lives. The interviewees who looked youthful tended to have sex an average of 50 percent more often. This meant about three times per week in the 40 to 50 age range.

Weeks said the pleasure one gets from sex is a "crucial factor" in preserving a younger appearance.

The act of sex releases endorphins in the body, which act as natural painkillers. Endorphins can help relieve stress and cure insomnia, leading to a more youthful and radiant appearance.

Exercise, such as sexual activity, boosts circulation which can lead to healthier looking skin. Sex can also release a growth hormone which preserves the skin's elasticity and prevent wrinkles.

Those who looked younger and had more sex tended to have younger spouses, most likely a result of their youthful appearance.

"My message is that love-making is good," said Weeks, who is youthful looking 59-year-old.

Weeks recommended regular sex throughout life, including in old age.

"The stereotype of an elderly person is that when they get their pension and bus pass, they stop having sex and that's not true," Weeks said.

"Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to quality of life, ranking at least as high as spiritual or religious commitment and other morale factors, so more positive attitudes towards mature sex should be vigorously promoted," he said. "Sexuality is definitely not the prerogative of younger people and nor should it be."

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