Wyoming Widow Gets Surprise Valentine's Flowers From Husband After His Death

One Wyoming man found a way to send his wife a Valentine beyond the grave by arranging for flowers to be delivered to her after his death, according to KCWY.

Shelly Golay, the man's 52-year-old widow, figured the bundle of roses that unexpectedly arrived at her Casper home two days before Valentine's Day was from family.

"I thought the kids sent the flowers to begin with," she told KCWY.

But upon further inspection Golay realized the bouquet was from her husband Jim, who died from an inoperable brain tumor in July of 2014 at age 53. The widow later found out her husband secretly arranged for flowers to be delivered to her every Valentine's Day for the rest of her life.

"He's such an amazing man and he just can love beyond boundaries," Golay told KCWY. "There is no boundaries with him, even in death. He's just amazing."

When Jim Golay and his wife found out about his brain cancer in 2012, "it was an uphill climb," she said. By last February, the tumor was inoperable and doctors gave Jim four months to live, ABC News reported.

Jim knew his time with Shelly was limited. So he contacted a local flower shop to make one final, lasting act of love.

"Basically, he had called and set it up before he passed and what it's going to be is just every Valentine's Day, just some of her favorite assorted colored roses will be sent until the day she dies," Jessie Row, who works at the unnamed flower shop, told KCWY.

Jim's wife was speechless when the bouquet arrived eight months after he lost his battle with cancer.

"Happy Valentine's Day," reads the card that came with the flowers. "Stay Strong! Yours Forever Love Jim."

For Shelly, the flowers are a symbol of the enduring "fairy tale" love she shared with her husband of nearly 30 years.

"The fairy tale romance, the knight in shining armor, you just don't find that," she told KCWY. "And even though we didn't get the fairy tale ending, it was amazing."

Valentine's Day, Cancer, Wyoming
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