
Blind Dog Gets New Look At Life

An elderly blind dog's life was changed when he was given the chance to have cataract surgery so he could see again, which led to his adoption.

Spunky, the nearly 15-year-old dog, initially attracted his new human, Michelle, from an online posting. Michelle said she knew she was going to take him home as soon as she saw him in the shelter's cage. However, what really attracted her to him was the fact that he had cataracts, as she has them too.

"The thing that sold me on him really was that he had cataracts, and I have cataracts, and we were just meant to be in a dog house together alone," Michelle said with a laugh. "My vision is pretty bad and I'm waiting to have the same surgery as Spunky."

Spunky's story was captured by the Tails of Hope non-profit organization in the moving video below:

Dog, Adoption
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