Men Can Only Stand 26 Minutes Of Shopping, But Could Pretend To Like It If Offered A Reward

A new study found most men hate shopping with their significant other, but could be bribed into being pleasant during the trip.

Researchers found men get bored after only 26 minutes of shopping with an enthusiastic partner, women usually remain engaged in their shopping escapade for two hours, The Telegraph reported.

Over one in four men admitted to getting so worn out they abandoned their shopping partner and went home.

"These results certainly seem to back that up, with men getting fed up of the spending spree pretty much as soon as they get there," Andy Oldham, Managing Director at the U.K.'s biggest cashback site that funded the research said. "If men buy whatever they were looking for in one of the first shops they went into, it's going to get pretty tiresome going from shop-to-shop with their other half - especially if they are having to follow them into the same store several times."

Oldham said women take longer to get fed up, and when they do it's for different reasons.

"It seems women also have their limit when they are in a busy shopping centre, just for completely different reasons - more down to being frustrated at not being able to find what they were looking for or leaving empty-handed," he said.

Forty-five percent of men admitted to avoiding going shopping with their significant other like the plague, one in four would only go on the spree if they needed something.

The top reasons men get upset during shopping trips is because they are hungry, thirst, or missing a television show or sports game.

When men reach their breaking points 48 percent of them wander to a different area of the store, while others go to a different shop altogether. One in three men will sit outside of the storefront and wait for their partner to finish.

About half of the men in the study admitted to having a fight with their partner because of their fowl shopping-related mood, but 58 percent of men would pretend to enjoy themselves if they were promised a reward at the end of the trip.

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