Muslims Volunteer To Form A Human 'Peace' Shield Around An Oslo Synagogue In Norway

A group of Norwegian Muslims have volunteered to hold an anti-violence demonstration at an Oslo synagogue by forming a "peace ring" around the building on Saturday.

The demonstration, organized by a 17-year-old Muslim, comes in the wake of a deadly shooting attack at a synagogue in Denmark last week, The Local reported. Recent months have witnessed a spate of anti-Semitism incidents across Europe, including gunmen targeting Jews and Jewish institutions in Paris and Copenhagen.

"We think that after the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen, it is the perfect time for us Muslims to distance ourselves from the harassment of Jews that is happening," Hajrad Arshad, the organizer, told Norway's state broadcaster NRK on Tuesday, adding that the intention was to make a clear statement that Muslims don't support anti-Semitism.

The aim of organizing a human shield around the synagogue, which is located on Bergstien Street in the Norwegian capital, is to extinguish "the prejudices people have against Jews and against Muslims," and to build solidarity among communities, towns and cities."

"Islam is about protecting our brothers and sisters, regardless of which religion they belong to. Islam is about rising above hate and never sinking to the same level as the haters. Islam is about defending each other. Muslims want to show that we deeply deplore all types of hatred of Jews, and that we are there to support them. We will therefore create a human ring around the synagogue on Saturday 21 February. Encourage everyone to come!" the group posted on its Facebook page.

The so-called peace ring drew praise and was welcomed by local Jewish community and Jewish leaders in the country, according to The Washington Post.

Ervin Kohn, the leader of the Jewish community in the city, has agreed to the plans as long as more than 30 participants show up.

"I've said that it only comes to 30, it won't be good, it may seem counter-productive," he said. "But if you fill Bergstien, it will be very good."

As of Thursday morning, close to 1,000 people had indicated on Facebook that they will be attending the demonstrations, The Times of Israel reported.

"If someone wants to attack the synagogue, they need to step over us first," posted another of the event's organizers on Facebook. "If anyone wants to commit violence in the name of Islam you will have to go through us Muslims first."

Muslims, Synagogue, Denmark, Oslo, Norway, Demonstrations, Anti-Semitism, Europe, Jews, Paris, Copenhagen, Terrorist Attacks, Harassment, Prejudice, Islam, Peace, Facebook