130 Dogs Rescued From California Hoarder Now Face Being Euthanized As Shelter Runs Out of Money, Space

Just over two weeks ago, 130 dogs were rescued from a hoarder in California by a Devore Animal Shelter. Now those same dogs might need to be rescued again, Fox News reports.

The dogs were rescued from Rainbow's End Animal Sanctuary in Apple Valley on June 18, where they were reportedly living in one large pack for years. The dogs were not fed properly, had limited human interaction and have many medical needs. Some of the dogs taken from Rainbow's have already been put to sleep because of medical reasons while the others were transported to Devore Animal Shelter.

Devore was only able to take the dogs in because other shelters and people pitched in and adopted the dogs that were already there to make room for the incoming dogs. The shelter is now facing a huge problem trying to pay for the medical expenses of the dogs. They also need to make space for new dogs to enter the shelter and if they don't find sponsors for the 130 dogs, they will be forced to have the dogs euthanized.

Because the rescued puppies need so much attention they can only be taken in by rescue groups with proper paperwork. The dogs are not suited to become pets. The supervising animal control officer at the Devore Animal Shelter told Fox that other rescue shelters will only be able to take in one or two dogs at a time.

The animals range in age from newborns (one puppy is only a few days old) to 11-years-old and are male and female. A criminal complaint has been submitted to the district attorney for review, Brian Cronin, chief of animal care and control said.

"It's extremely concerning when a self-proclaimed animal sanctuary fails to fulfill its commitment to the homeless animals it has accepted," Cronin said in a statement to Fox.