Canadian Legislator Flees House of Commons Because of His Tight Underwear

(Reuters) - Canadian legislator Pat Martin on Thursday offered up one of the most original excuses ever heard for hurriedly running out of the House of Commons during a vote, his new cheap pair of underpants was too tight.

Martin, who belongs to the official opposition New Democrats, bolted as members of Parliament began to rise one by one to vote. He later blamed his departure on an unwise purchase at a local store.

"They had men's underwear on for half price and I bought a bunch that was clearly too small for me. I find it difficult to sit for any length of time," he told the chamber to guffaws and applause from fellow legislators.

Martin, one of the more colorful Canadian members of Parliament, did return in time to cast his vote.

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Toni Reinhold)

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