
Twitter Backs Net Neutrality, FCC Vote Expected Thursday

Net neutrality advocates better pay attention this week. The FCC is expected to vote on whether it will change what legal category Internet service fits into. While a large portion of Congress and ISPs oppose the change, other tech companies are coming out with their opinions on the event, most recently Twitter.

The Consumerist reports that Twitter came out in favor of Net Neutrality in its latest blog post. Twitter's Public Policy Manager Will Carty explained in the piece that at the core of Twitter's philosophy is the goal of making sure the little voices are heard. This is clear from how Twitter, as a company, has done its best to support the various revolts and movements across the world that relied on Twitter to spread their message.

On top of that, Twitter wants to do its best to support a free and open market.

"This openness promotes free and fair competition and fosters ongoing investment and innovation," Carty explained. "We need clear, enforceable, legally sustainable rules to ensure that the Internet remains open and continues to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. This is the heart of Twitter. Without such net neutrality principles in place, some of today's most successful and widely known Internet companies might never have come into existence."

Because of all the reasons above, Twitter has decided to team up with The Internet Association to support the FCC's redefining of Internet services via Title II.

"We strongly support ensuring that such rules include prohibitions against blocking or throttling of sites and services as well as the paid prioritization of some traffic over others," Carty added. "These rules should govern Internet service whether users are at their desk at home or on their smartphone across town."

The Internet Association is a conglomeration of different internet-based companies that includes Ebay, Amazon, Uber, Zynga, Google and OkCupid who all want proper internet-related policy to be enabled.

The FCC is expected to vote on net neutrality on Thursday, Feb. 26.

Twitter, Net Neutrality, Fcc, Title II
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