Australian Teen Wakes Up From Coma Pregnant After Attempted Kidnapping

An Australian teenager who was severely injured during an attempted kidnapping says she woke up from a coma only to find out she was pregnant.

In an interview with the Australian show "A Current Affair," 17-year-old April-Lee Gillen recounted how she was hospitalized and placed in a medically induced coma after a failed kidnapping attempt left her unconscious on the side of a road in Warrawong, New South Wales, in April 2014.

The teen awoke from her coma two weeks later in Wollongong Hospital. Gillen's sister broke the news to her while she was still in the ICU.

"I woke up from my coma and she goes, 'April you're pregnant did you know that?' " Gillen told ACA.

Gillen also suffered short-term memory loss, so she had to be repeatedly told she was expecting a child.

"I'd forget each day and then I forgot each day and I'd say 'Oh my god am I pregnant am I pregnant' when they'd tell me each day," Gillen told ACA.

She also has trouble recalling what happened to her when she left her home in Lake Heights, south of Wollongong, on April 20 to visit her boyfriend who lived nearby. Police believe she was dragged into a black BMW by unknown male suspects while walking back home at around 12:20 a.m.

Before that, Gillen posted a chilling message on her Facebook page.

"Phones on 1 percent walking from warrowong to berks and some Asian guy just stopped me telling me to come home with him cause it's safe and I need help wtf sos," she wrote.

Police said "something" happened inside the SUV. "Shortly afterwards she was ejected from that vehicle, dragged along, where she suffered some serious injuries," Acting Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis said according to ACA.

Gillen was found unconscious in a gutter by a driver at around 2 a.m.

Investigators suspect Gillen was injured in an attempt to escape her attackers, something the teen believes she did thanks to her mother.

"All my life as a teenager...She's like 'April if you're ever like, not safe and you need help just scream,'" Gillen said in the interview. "And then [my mom] goes 'Help will come for you,' she goes 'Put up a good fight April.'"

"And that's what I must have done," Gillen said.

Despite the harrowing ordeal- which left her with a collapsed lung, bleeding in the brain and a broken ankle- Gillen kept her baby, a boy named Jacobie. He was born Christmas Eve.

"He's a beautiful boy just like his mum, a little boy version of his mum," she told ACA.

Her alleged kidnappers remain at large and police are still investigating.

Coma, Australia, New South Wales
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