Friendly Dogs Can Help Their Humans Make People Friends

Not only are dogs man's best friend, but they are also great at helping man meet more human friends.

"I think people, like dogs, are naturally friendly and want to meet new people but don't know quite how sometimes, especially once you leave college," dog owner Gina D'Amico told Yahoo Health. "Activities like trips to the dog park and regular walks around the neighborhood give humans and dogs a great conversation starter."

D'Amico has moved towns twice since becoming companions with her pup, Ella, and says she was particularly helpful with meeting new human friends.

Dogs are a popular way to get people to create relationships with each other in part because it gives people something to talk about.

A 2014 study at the University of Chicago also connected pups to friend making because you have to take them out for a walk and learn to train them. This puts owners in a position where they have to socialize with other people.

"When you take [dogs] out and walk them you get exercise and you meet your neighbors," researcher John Cacioppo told the American Association for the Advancement of Science's conference. "I don't know about you, but I've met neighbors over the years through my children and my pets. I think my dog also likes me and that may be part of it. But it may not. I think this getting out, walking, talking to people could be sufficient for a dog's health benefits relative to other pets."

Besides walking your dog you can also use your pup to make new friends by going to a dog park, sitting outside with your dog at a coffee shop, chat with other dog owners at the vet, joining a special dog group (you can find ones in your area on Facebook or, or taking your dog to obedience class.

Dogs are a great way to meet new people - just make sure your four-legged friend is spayed/neutered and comfortable around others first!

Friends, Dogs, University of Chicago, Walk