Woolly Mammoth That is 'Best Preserved in History' on Display in Japan With Fur Intact (VIDEO)

After being trapped in glacial ice for the last 39,000 years the female wooly mammoth named Yuka looks remarkably youthful because the beast was found with most of its hair and tissue still intact, reports Design&Trend.

The mammoth was found in May on the New Siberian Islands, or Novosibirsk Islands. While parts of the carcass are almost perfectly preserved the upper torso and front legs are in poor shape. They were exposed in soil as opposed to being frozen within the ice, at some point predators were able to gnaw away at the flesh, according to The Nation.

The most remarkable thing about the discovery of Yuka was that the mammoth's body still had liquid blood in it, a discovery that shocked expedition leader Semyon Grigoryev, according to the Agence France-Presse.

"When we broke the ice beneath her stomach, the blood flowed out from there. It was very dark," Grigoryev said. "This find gives us a really good chance of finding living cells, which can help us implement this project to clone a mammoth."

Grigoryev was also pleased to discover that the muscle tissue on the mammoth's rear half had been preserved.

"This is the most astonishing case in my entire life," Grigoryev said. "How was it possible for it (the blood) to remain in liquid form? And the muscle tissue is also red, the color of fresh meat."

Visitors to the exhibition being held in Yokohama, Japan will be able to get a glimpse at what has been described as "the best-reserved mammoth in the history of paleontology," according to the Daily Mail.

The last mammoths were thought to have gone extinct sometime around 1700 B.C. off the coast of Siberia. Under all of the permafrost in the Russian tundra scientists predict that there may be as many as 150 million mammoths, possibly some preserved as well as Yuka, according to the Daily Mail.

The exhibition will be running from July 13 through September 16 for those wanting to get a glimpse of the ice age in person.